Embracing Our Shadow

Tuning into our shadow is a crucial part of our human experience. We are invited at times to go deep within ourselves and witness the parts of us that we've been hiding or suppressing. This can feel overwhelming, but it's essential for our growth and evolution. Give yourself grace and rest as you move through these cycles of transformation and rebirth.
Our shadow selves are the parts of us that we consider to be unacceptable or undesirable. They are the parts of us that we've been taught to shame and judge. But the truth is, our shadow selves are just as important as our light selves. They contain the power that we need to heal, transform, and become our whole selves.
To embracing your shadow self you first need to acknowledge its existence. Don't try to deny or repress it, sit with it and accept it as a part of who you are.
Look at the parts of yourself that you are afraid of being seen. The parts you don't like or try to deny exist. These parts can be activated by the behavior of others that are expressing the things we are suppressing. When we are not expressing parts of ourself it creates a void and we attract it into our lives. Explore without judgement what these parts look like and what they feel like. Make time to discover what they need.
Integrate your shadow self into your conscious awareness. This doesn't mean that you have to act on all of its behaviors, it means acknowledging its presence and allowing it to be a part of who you are. Forgive yourself for when those parts came out unexpectedly. The more you consciously integrate and accept all parts, the less the dark parts try to take over.
Embracing your shadow self is not easy, it requires a willingness to accept unconditionally the "worst" parts of ourself, and ultimately take responsibility for how they are expressed. By doing so, you'll unlock the full potential of what is possible.