Balsam Gurjun
She aids in spiritual digestion. She is peaceful and grounding, and helps take the edge off when we are feeling overwhelmed and irritable. She helps relieve bugs bites, and what "bugs" you. Years ago I had some mosquito bites and put a few dabs on, she quickly worked to alleviate the irritation, but what I really noticed is that she gave me an instant euphoric sensation after being a bit snappy with the my kids. I've called her "mother's little helper" ever since. She works well in calming the nervous system, and is used in ayurvedic medicine for rheumatic conditions, skin disorders, elimination function, and respiratory conditions.
Himalyan Soti
This little know grass is wonderful respiratory issues, exhaustion, altitude sickness, green healing ray, concussions, clarity. She assists with emotional exhaustion as well as physical, when we are too tired to go on, but we need to muster just a little bit more, she can help carry our burdens, so we don't feel like me need to hold up so much.
custom pours do not have wisdom of the earth labels, and may take additional processing time
Includes tiger's eye heart to remind you that you are strong and you are loved unconditionally.
wisdom of the earth essential oils