Astrological Forecast


September 22 - October 17: Venus in Scorpio

As Venus moves into Scorpio, we'll collectively experience a deep dive into the emotional undercurrents of our relationships. This transit encourages a passionate pursuit of truth and authenticity. We'll find ourselves connecting with others on a deeper level, seeking genuine understanding and connection. It's important to remember that while these feelings can be intense, it's crucial to avoid using them to hurt others or become self-righteous. Compassion and understanding for others' experiences are essential.

October 2: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra

This powerful new moon solar eclipse in Libra sets the stage for new beginnings in relationships. It's a time to let go of old patterns and create space for more equitable and balanced connections. Expect a profound shift in how you relate to others and yourself.

October 9: Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini

Jupiter's retrograde in Gemini invites us to reexamine our beliefs and thought processes. New information may challenge our existing worldview, prompting us to reconsider our assumptions and perspectives.

October 11: Pluto Direct in Capricorn

Pluto's direct motion marks the final stages of its transformative journey through Capricorn. As the planet of power and transformation moves forward, expect a breakdown of outdated structures and systems. This period is about dismantling what no longer serves us and paving the way for a new era.